my father said i write
sad words a little too much
but they are the only seeds
i have to plant
more than half the time
for a long time it felt that
with words i’m at my best
when i have weeds in my belly
taking pills to kill them
gave me fear i’d lose
what i thought was my edge
even though it was pushing me off a cliff
for a long time it felt like
the weight of
being a little more poetic
is bearing the crown
of being a little more dead
KA Candelario is an Overseas Filipino Worker and mental health advocate living in the Middle East. She finished her degree in English in 2017. She read some of her poems in the fourth session of Female First Sessions, a platform based in Dubai, UAE that aims to “celebrate women and showcase a diverse line-up of female talent within the Middle East and across the globe.” This edition of The Mark Literary Review is her first publication.