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Five Literary Magazines You Should Submit to this Week!

Writer's picture: The Mark Literary ReviewThe Mark Literary Review

Updated: Sep 13, 2020

1. The Mark Literary Review

The Mark is an online magazine that's always open for submissions! We never charge a fee to submit your work. We're down to read anything! There isn't a specific theme you need to adhere to, but we are most interested in reading creative writing that tears your heart out. Send in your best poetry or short stories and we'll get back to you within two weeks (sometimes sooner). We do not accept previously published work, but we do accept simultaneous submissions. Check out our submission guidelines here.

2. We Were So Small

We Were So Small believes small is important. They are open to fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and open-form work under 2,000 words. They welcome simultaneous submissions. If you would like to be a featured artist in an upcoming issue, contact them directly at Include a bio, brief artist statement, and samples of your work. Click here for the link to their submission page.

3. Clover & White

Clover & White was founded and is edited by Nicola Bourne and Alice Rose. They want to showcase poetry, flash fiction, and short stories from writers—especially those who are unpublished or emerging. There is no submission deadline or theme. Simultaneous submissions are okay and there is no fee to submit. Check out their website here.


SPOONFEED MAGAZINE is a new online literary magazine publishing creative and experimental food writing. The submission deadline for their first edition is June 30th. They want submissions of poetry, short or flash fiction, creative nonfiction, and creative reviews. Hybrid writing is also welcome. Prose should not exceed 2,000 words and they do not accept simultaneous submissions. They are not a specifically vegan publication, but they do subscribe to vegan values. Any writing about animal products should take a compassionate stance. Click here for a link to their website.

5. EX/POST Magazine

EX/POST Magazine is a new journal with an extremely impressive staff. Some are Harvard University students, others are Best of the Net Finalists, published poets, etc. EX/POST Magazine was founded in May of 2020, "to spotlight both the best art and writing the Internet could find and serve as a refuge for underrepresented voices, topics, and genres." They want great art and reflections on great art. "Whether it's avant-garde theater, traditional poetry, a satire of the Osars, or an essay on any of the above, we believe you have something valuable to say—we can't wait to hear it." Visit their website here.

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