I collect clipped-leaf infants
of coleuses but I am not
the mothering type.
My carpet is a collection
of beige leaves fallen
in a firm fuzz of plushed felt.
When I say that I am a plant person,
I mean that I want to be,
because keeping someone alive is a learned skill and I am still
self-practicing. I am planting
myself in the oaten orchard
of my living room,
I am trying to let myself live.
Kara Goughnour is a queer writer and documentarian living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They received their Bachelor’s Degree in Creative and Professional Writing from The University of Pittsburgh. They are the author of “Mixed Tapes,” forthcoming in the Ghost City Press Summer 2019 Micro-Chap Series. They are the recipient of the 2018 Gerald Stern Poetry Award, and have work published or forthcoming in The Bitchin’ Kitsch, Third Point Press, and over thirty-five others. Follow them on Twitter @kara_goughnour or read their collected and exclusive works at karagoughnour.com.